Year 3 Transition
Hello and welcome to Year 3 at Ocean Academy!
Below are a list of tours for Year 3 in September 2025:
- 24th September – 9.15-10.15
- 10th October – 9:15-10:15
- 23rd October 9:15 – 10:15
Parent Tour and Information Evening – Wednesday 13th November 2024 – 5:00pm – 6:00pm
Transition into Year 3
We work incredibly hard in school to make sure that the transition from Infant school to Ocean Academy is as easy as possible for the children and that they feel excited, ready and keen to join their new school.
During the summer term, a member of the year 3 staff will visit your child’s infant school. During the visit the children are provided with an insight into life at Ocean Academy and are able to ask questions in order to prepare them and encourage them to feel excited about their new school. During the transition day, the children get to know the staff and ask any questions that they may have whilst taking part in a range of arts and crafts activities and team building games.
The pastoral care team visits the feeder schools in the summer term to meet pupils in their current setting. For certain vulnerable pupils or those with SEND, additional visits are offered. Ocean’s pastoral team liaises closely with the SENDCo/Inclusion Lead and staff from feeder schools to ensure that important information is shared.
We pride ourselves on having excellent transition between schools and we are confident that your child will settle into our school quickly and easily.
We cannot wait for your child to join us. The learning at Ocean Academy is exciting and purposeful and we are confident your child will love being at our school! We want your child to join us with confidence and a real sense of belonging and the transition package we put in place and the documents below will help your child achieve this.
Welcome to the Ocean Academy family!